If you’re suffering from chest congestion—especially in today’s day and age—it’s critical to seek medical advice should you have any concerns.
However, if this is nothing more than a symptom related to a common cold, there are steps you can take at home to begin feeling better.
Here are some of the best ways to clear chest congestion:
• Drink warm beverages: Not only does staying hydrated thin mucus, but it can also help relieve congestion, sore throat, and a cough.
• Steam: For example, taking a hot bath or shower will produce steam, which helps loosen mucus and reduce congestion.
• Eat the right foods: Some foods are known to reduce the buildup of mucus, such as ginger, garlic, and lemon.
• Experiment with essential oils: These may be able to help loosen mucus in the chest. Some of your best options include tea tree, peppermint, basic, cinnamon bark, and thyme.
Chest congestion can cause quite a bit of discomfort, so don’t let this problem linger. Instead, use one or more of the home remedies above to find relief.
Jennifer Ferdinand, owner of Serendipity Wellness Studio in Burke, VA, has been practicing massage therapy and esthetics since 2006. She is nationally certified through NCBTMB, and licensed in Virginia for both Massage Therapy and Esthetics.